Undergraduate students participate at the 241st AAS meeting in Seattle

Reshmi Mukherjee
January 08, 2023

Undergraduate students Laurel Carpenter, Pablo Drake CU'23, and Daniela Hikari Yano BC'23 make presentations at the 241st AAS meeting in Seattle in January 2023. Laurel's poster was entitled "Prospects for studying extended sources with the addition of Schwarzschild-Couder Telescopes to the CTA Southern Array." Pablo gave a talk on the target of opportunity (ToO) observations of flaring blazars with VERITAS, and Daniela's poster reported on studies of spectral curvatures in gamma-ray blazars, objects with relativistic jets pointed at the observer. Congratulations to all three for their great work! https://aas.org/meetings/aas241

Columbia Affiliations
VERITAS research at Barnard College & Columbia University is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation